Technological Ideas

1- Platform of Smart Animal Husbandry on the Blockchain

Support organization: Technology Units Development Center of the Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch.
Goals: Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain will be used to create this idea. This platform uses artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain technology to improve livestock management. It can be utilized by farmers, managers, consultants, activists, agricultural service developers, and consumers. The platform aims to increase production, reduce costs, improve control and supervision of livestock, enhance animal health, and boost consumer confidence in meat quality. It also plays a role in ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of exported goods, preventing the sale of counterfeit products. The platform offers transparency, traceability, and food safety through real-time tracking of livestock and their health information. It promotes sustainable practices and animal welfare by allowing farmers to make informed decisions based on data analysis. Additionally, automation through smart devices helps reduce manual labor and increase efficiency. Overall, this platform transforms the management of animal husbandry, benefiting animals, consumers, and the environment.

2- Production of natural compounds to replace antibiotics in the animal husbandry industry

Support organization: Mazandaran Science and Technology Park, Under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology
Goals: The livestock industry incurs significant costs for the treatment and prevention of pathogens using antibiotics. Antibiotics, despite all their positive effects, remain in meat and eggs and are transmitted to humans via animal products. As a result, pathogens in the human body are resistant to antibiotics, and antibiotics are ineffective in treating illnesses and infections.